REA project (Network of Excellence for the internationalization of training in the field of Architecture), funded by Cariplo Foundation, is an extraordinary and innovative formative and research experience thanks to which 3 different Schools of Architecture have consolidated a global scientific community. The exchange of knowledge - which works involving researchers, teachers and students and that realizes in the form of a (post)modern 19th century Grand Tour, the milestone for the cultural education of the Masters – involved from 2011 to 2016 the Schools of Pavia, Politecnico di Milano – Polo Territoriale di Piacenza and Brescia. Thanks to workshops, summer and winter school, organized in the 3 branches of the consortium - in addition to Tenerife, Shanghai and Seville - virtuous forms of collaboration and cultural exchanges have developed and consolidated with many universities at international level in order to support conferences, conferences, exhibitions and degree thesis. The construction of a network of experiences made possible to test the progress of the architectural discipline on the most current issues, confronting different tables, multiplying the interlocutors. The book tells the story of this multifaceted and fascinating journey, accompanying the reader on a trip of multiple destinations using projects, drawings, reflections and essays as guides. With the awareness that every goal reached, each chapter of the volume, is an open door that invites us to continue on our journey.