Cornelis van De Ven
editors Francesco Cacciatore

Available in ebook version

isbn 9788862422949
book series Libriprimi
number 1
current edition 12 / 2022
first edition 3 / 2019
language Italian
size 16,5x24cm
pages 340
print b&w
binding paperback
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the author
Francesco Cacciatore (1975) is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at the IUAV University in Venice (DACC). From 2006 to 2014 he worked as an architect and founding member of the associated firm Ateliermap.  His teaching activity includes visiting p...

Francesco Cacciatore (1975) is Associate Professor in Architectural and Urban Composition at the IUAV University in Venice (DACC). From 2006 to 2014 he worked as an architect and founding member of the associated firm Ateliermap. 

His teaching activity includes visiting professor terms in the context of workshops and design seminars both in Italy and abroad. He has authored several books including: Il muro come contenitore di luoghi. Forme strutturali cave nell’opera di Louis Kahn (LetteraVentidue 2008-2011), Abitare il limite. Dodici case di Aires Mateus & Associados (LetteraVentidue 2009-2011), the essay L’animale e la conchiglia. L’architettura di Aires Mateus come dimora del vuoto (Mondadori Electa 2011), Barclay&Crousse. Segnali di vita tra i due deserti (LetteraVentidue 2012), Il vuoto condiviso. Spazialità complesse nelle residenze contemporanee (Marsilio 2016).

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