This book presents a selection of projects designed by first year students enrolled in the first architecture design studio course taught by Francesco Venezia in collaboration with Orazio Basso and Michele De Mattio during the scholastic year 2007-2008 at the University of Venice (IUAV).

The final pages offer a synthetic overview of various projects completed during the academic year 2002-2003 in the first architecture design studio of the same topic taught by F. Venezia in collaboration with Alfonso Cendron, Beatrice Ciruzzi, Michele De Mattio, Stanislao Fierro, Sophia Los e Matteo Scagnol.

Orazio Basso, Michele De Mattio
Al riparo del quadrato
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isbn 9788862420150
current edition 12 / 2009
first edition 12 / 2009
language Italian/English
size 13,x22cm
pages 64
print two-toned
binding paperback
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