“What does narrating mean? It means more than telling a story. It would be like saying that “The Brotherhood of the Grape” is the story of an old alcoholic who tries to build a wall. Narrating rather means describing a world through a story. Made of connections. Of conflicts. Of accelerations. Of falls. Of omissions. We all put one word after another in the novel of our path. But we need to choose our words. Not the most beautiful ones. Only those that can serve the plot of narration. This is how I have chosen the words for this book.”


Davide Vargas
Works and omissions
isbn 9788862421430
current edition 12 / 2014
first edition 12 / 2014
language Italian
size 16,7x22cm
pages 256
print color
binding paperback
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the author

Davide Vargas has been a designer since 1981. In 2003 he established VARGAS ASSOCIATI with Luciano Palmiero and worked there until 2010. Those were culturally and professionally intense years.

by the same author