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The "factory of wonder" design competition follows the decision by Orogel to build new headquarters for the centralized offices that host a different series of services, a library with film library, rooms for meetings and a cooking school, in addition to spaces for employees and technicians. The firm wanted to promote a vision in which the entrepreneurial dimension had its roots in a wider context of a cultural nature. The competition has thus offered to eight professional studios, selected among young architects active in the Romagna area, the opportunity to interpret the theme of the workplace facility, restoring through the quality of the spaces the amazement that a factory can give thanks to its capacity to innovate, experiment, interpret tradition in light of the most sophisticated technologies. The quality of spaces, the flexibility and their changing, and the construction aspects have been considered as central factors. The aim of the contest led to strategies that allowed different configurations of environments in time and space. These projects offer suggestions and studies in different directions, a patrimony of ideas that has now become a shared resource. 

Francesco Gulinello, Elena Mucelli
isbn 9788862423649
Alleli | Events
4 / 2019
4 / 2019
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