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‘When a work reaches its maximum intensity,’ wrote Le Corbusier, ‘a phenomenon of ineffable space occurs.’ The ultimate quality of architecture would reside, therefore, in the resistance to its description. However, to tell us this, and much more, the Swiss master has published more than seventy books and his so compelling formula in supporting the ineffable also shows how words are able to grasp it. This brief essay investigates the multiple intersections between discourse and design: the way buildings try to ‘talk’ with their own specific means; how architects are trying to remain relevant without building; the paradoxes of architecture description after its completion; the modes of communication during the project processes; the capacity of narrative to act before the project operations start and infiltrate the collective perception, making possible innovative approaches...

Giovanni Corbellini
Sayable Space
Narrative Practices in Architecture

Available in ebook version

isbn 9788862424806
book series Pills
number 4
current edition 2 / 2021
first edition 2 / 2021
language English
size 12x16,5cm
pages 100
print b&w
binding paperback
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the author
Giovanni Corbellini (1959), architect, PhD, critic of contemporary architecture, taught in Venice, Ferrara, Milan, Trieste and is currently full professor of architectural design at the Politecnico of Turin. His latest books are: Ex libris: 16 Keywords of Contemporary Architecture (...

Giovanni Corbellini (1959), architect, PhD, critic of contemporary architecture, taught in Venice, Ferrara, Milan, Trieste and is currently full professor of architectural design at the Politecnico of Turin. His latest books are: Ex libris: 16 Keywords of Contemporary Architecture (LetteraVentidue, 2019), Telling Spaces (LetteraVentidue, 2018), Dr. Corbellini’s Pills (LetteraVentidue, 2016), Recycled Theory: Dizionario illustrato/Illustrated Dictionary (edited with Sara Marini, Quodlibet, 2016), Housing is Back in Town (LetteraVentidue, 2012), Bioreboot. The architecture of R&Sie(n) (Princeton Architectural Press, 2009).

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