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Bruno Zevi Prize for an historical-critical essay

Il saggio racconta la storia del villaggio arabo di Ein Hod, a sud di Haifa, i cui abitanti sono costretti a fuggire nel 1948, a seguito della proclamazione dello Stato d’Israele. A differenza di altri insediamenti analoghi, Ein Hod non è distrutto ma trasformato in una colonia per artisti attraverso un restauro sapiente nel rispetto delle tradizioni architettoniche e urbanistiche della comunità originaria. Il merito va alla lungimiranza dell’architetto e artista rumeno Marcel Janco, membro attivo del Cabaret Voltaire dadaista, emigrato in Israele nel 1941 con un bagaglio artistico e architettonico d’avanguardia che gli guadagna stima e credibilità presso l’establishment politico, culturale e professionale. La concezione di restauro e conservazione messa in atto a Ein Hod, come pure il ruolo centrale assunto dalla comunità nella progettazione, anticipano di molti decenni teorie e pratiche in voga negli anni ’90. Lo studio di Popper affronta l’intreccio problematico tra l’arte poetico-visionaria di Janco e le questioni etico-politiche legate alla fondazione del nuovo Stato e alla difficile convivenza tra arabi e israeliani.


Irit Carmon Popper
Through the Eyes of an Architect, the Soul of an Artist
Marcel Janco and Ein Hod Artist Colony
isbn 9788862425537
book series Premio Bruno Zevi
number 1
current edition 10 / 2021
first edition 10 / 2021
language Italian/English
size 22x22cm
pages 64
print b&w
binding paperback
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the author
Irit Carmon Popper is a researcher, an art curator, and educator based in Israel. She graduated with BA in Philosophy and Art History and MA in Art History from The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and Museology Studies Diploma from Tel Aviv University. She received her PhD at the Facu...

Irit Carmon Popper is a researcher, an art curator, and educator based in Israel. She graduated with BA in Philosophy and Art History and MA in Art History from The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and Museology Studies Diploma from Tel Aviv University. She received her PhD at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion IIT, and her dissertation was awarded The Ben Halpern honorable mention for Best Dissertation in Israel Studies (2019), as well as the Jabotinsky Prize (2019), the Aba Elhanani Prize (2017), the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning Award of excellence and the Balaban-Glass Fund Scholarship (2016). Her research, which intersects contemporary art and architectural preservation in the context of the historiography of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, evokes new boundaries in the interdisciplinary discourse, and has been widely presented (2017 CAA annual conference, NY; 2017 EAHN conference, Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem; 2018 RAI annual conference, British Museum, London.) Her last article “Participatory Art in Kufr Bir’im: Fissures for Suppressed Histories”, was published in Future Anterior Journal (vol. 15, n. 1) in 2018 by the University of Minnesota. Irit Carmon Popper teaches in various academies and her courses deal with history of art and architecture, literacy, and preservation theory; they were excellence awarded. As a curator her exhibitions are presented in various museums, galleries, and alternative spaces; her latest curatorial project, Common Views, is shown in Arad Contemporary Art Center (2020).


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