Order allow,deny Deny from all The housing models of Backström and Reinius between Thirties and Fifties - LetteraVentidue

Sven Backström e Leif Reinius dopo la laurea in architettura al KTH di Stoccolma nel 1929 e un lungo periodo di viaggi, dal 1936 danno il via a un sodalizio professionale che li vedrà impegnati in particolare nel settore del social housing. Fin dai loro primi progetti e dai loro testi critici, è chiara l’intenzione di superare i vincoli del linguaggio funzionalista contaminandolo con riferimenti diversi a partire da tematiche proprie dell’architettura organica. Le punkthus di Danviksklippan e le stjärnhuas del quartiere di Gröndal a Stoccolma o il Baronbackarna a Örebro diventano presto dei riferimenti iconici in molti paesi europei impegnati nella ricostruzione dopo le devastazioni causate dalla seconda guerra mondiale. A sua volta l’opera dei due architetti svedesi trae spunto da molteplici riferimenti internazionali tra cui anche l’Italia che è sicuramente il paese in cui più si discute sull’operato non solo di Backström e Reinius ma del diverso approccio svedese alla costruzione della città contemporanea.

editors Giovanni Bellucci
The housing models of Backström and Reinius between Thirties and Fifties
An alternative to Scandinavian functionalism
isbn 9788862428019
book series Premio Bruno Zevi
number 2
current edition 11 / 2022
first edition 11 / 2022
language Italian/English
size 22x22cm
pages 72
print b&w
binding paperback
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Giovanni Bellucci was trained at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona where he obtained a master’s degree in Building Engineering-Architecture (final thesis focused on the collaboration between Gio Ponti and Pier Luigi Nervi for the project of the Italian C...

Giovanni Bellucci was trained at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona where he obtained a master’s degree in Building Engineering-Architecture (final thesis focused on the collaboration between Gio Ponti and Pier Luigi Nervi for the project of the Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm) and a research doctorate in History of Architecture (SSD ICAR18) focused on the projects carried out in the Marche region by Gaetano Minnucci, designer on whom he is concluding a monographic research on life and works.
His research focuses on Italian architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with particular interests in the activities of Gio Ponti, Pier Luigi Nervi, Gaetano Minnucci, Giancarlo De Carlo, Gustavo Giovannoni and the Istituto Case Popolari in Rome. At the same time, he has been working for years on research on contemporary Swedish architecture and in general on the subject of engineering history with particular reference to bibliographic research. He has spent periods of study in Italian architecture archives (MAXXI in Rome, CSAC in Parma, ICP Archives in Rome, Archivio Centrale dello Stato of Rome) and abroad (ArkDes in Stockholm).
Honorary member of AAA Italia (Italian Association of Archives of Architecture) since 2017, member of AISTARCH (Italian Association of the History of Architecture), he is part of the editorial board of the journal Studi e ricerche di storia dell’architettura. He has published his articles and essays as well as in volumes also in periodicals including Palladio, Quaderni degli Atti dell’Accademia di San Luca, L’industria delle costruzioni, Il giornale dell’architettura and Studi e ricerche di storia dell’architettura. Since 2014 he has been an adjunct professor in various courses in the history of architecture of the Faculty of Engineering of Ancona and has been a speaker at both national and international conferences.

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