The materials collected in this book detail a pragmatic proposal for the redesign of the contemporary Italian city based on the most recent international experiences and provide an operational instrument for the “combined” and “adaptive” redevelopment (on a structural, typo-morphological, functional, performance, economic and social level) of housing districts. The experiments we carried out and their account define a detailed map of meditations and insights about areas of architectural work that are seldom explored in manuals, specifications, and the unavoidable reliance on the hybridization of knowledge in order to bring out the latent aspects that a single disciplinary approach cannot address. The book was produced by the Research Unit of the University of Brescia in the frame of the Scientific Research Project of National Interest (PRIN) New design tools for the sustainable redevelopment of social housing complex in Italy (national coordinator: Marina Montuori).

editors Barbara Angi
Eutopia Urbanscape
The combined redevelopment of social housing
isbn 9788862421904
book series Expectations
number 1
current edition 6 / 2016
first edition 6 / 2016
language Italian
size 16,7x22cm
pages 448
print color
binding paperback
copertina download
Barbara Angi (1976), architect, PhD in Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14). She is adjunct professor of course “Architecture and Composition 2” at the Combined Bachelor and Master Degree Courses in Architectural Engineering of the University of Brescia,. Since 20...

Barbara Angi (1976), architect, PhD in Architecture and Urban Design (SSD ICAR/14). She is adjunct professor of course “Architecture and Composition 2” at the Combined Bachelor and Master Degree Courses in Architectural Engineering of the University of Brescia,. Since 2008, she is a research fellow at the University of Brescia. The research activity is consolidated through participation in national and international research projects including the program “Dote Ricercatori” financed by the Lombardy region, on the issues of ‘combined’ and ‘adaptive’ redevelopment of residential buildings and built environment with particular reference to relationship between architectural typology and constructive technology. She teaches at University of Brescia, and, first, at University Iuav of Venice in the Master’s degree course of Architecture for Sustainability and Architecture and Construction. The teaching activity is also very busy with the correlation of master degree thesis (more than 50 followed so far) and participation in international workshops on architectural design as a didactic and scientific coordinator. Since 2011, she participates in the teaching and research activities of project REA, Network of Excellence for Internationalization of education in the field of Architecture, promoted by Fondazione Cariplo. She take part in national and international architectural competitions. Her projects have been exhibited at the International Architecture Exhibition of Venice, at the Festival of Architecture in Parma, SAIE People meet Innovation of Bologna, the Prize Piccinato, design strategies for the future, and published in international magazines such as The New York Times. She is the author of numerous scientific publications in national and international level on issues of architecture and urban redevelopment. She participates in many national and international conferences and cultural events. She is author of the book Amnistia per l’esistente.

Strategie architettoniche adattive per la riqualificazione dell’ambiente costruito (LetteraVentidue Edizioni) and she has edited the volumes Alcune Ipotesi e una tesi su Darfo Boario Terme (Officina Edizioni) and Tra terra e acqua (Aracne Editrice), two numbers of Iuav. University newspaper (n. 30, n. 57) and the book L’ambiente costruito tra Building Information Modelling e Smart Land (IMREADY Ingenio), Digitizing the analogical thoughts in architecture: a menace or a promise? (IMREADY Ingenio).

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FAM Magazine del Festival dell'Architettura // 2018
from the same book series