Se l’architettura per il culto trova legittimazione nel veritiero rapporto con la liturgia, ha pur bisogno di una propria, efficace argomentazione fondante. Questo nuovo dizionario, dal contenuto discontinuo, scritto e disegnato, rappresenta uno strumento adeguato capace di svelare la condizione architettonica della chiesa.

Tino Grisi
Architettura liturgica
Un dizionario essenziale

Available in ebook version

isbn 9788862423526
book series Alleli | Txt
number 5
current edition 1 / 2019
first edition 1 / 2019
language Italian
size 12x16,5cm
pages 120
print b&w
binding paperback
copertina download
the author
Tino Grisi. He’s an Italian architect and scholar in the field of building for the Church. He graduated in architecture from Politecnico di Milano, and has a church design 2nd level degree from Sapienza – University of Rome and a PhD from University of Bologna. He concei...

Tino Grisi. He’s an Italian architect and scholar in the field of building for the Church. He graduated in architecture from Politecnico di Milano, and has a church design 2nd level degree from Sapienza – University of Rome and a PhD from University of Bologna. He conceived and leads the workshop Church for the Future at Politecnico di Milano. For LetteraVentidue he has published Liturgical Architecture (2019) and the first volume of Spiritual A.I.: Images of Space for Ecclesiastical Architecture (2024).

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Avvenire // 3 marzo 2019

by the same author

from the same book series