Order allow,deny Deny from all Milan Gender Atlas - LetteraVentidue

Milan Gender Atlas is part of the broader research Sex & the City, commissioned by Milano Urban Center. The project is triggered by the need to explore a field of investigation that intertwines urban studies and gender studies. This work aims to deconstruct Milan’s contemporary urban space through specific lenses of observation that allow us to read the responses the city is able to offer to the needs of women and gender minorities. The result is a theoretical and practical tool for planning environments that are more inclusive and attentive to the needs of the mul­tiple subjects and the different bodies that inhabit urban space.


Florencia Andreola, Azzurra Muzzonigro
Milan Gender Atlas
isbn 9788862425957
book series Milano Urban Center
number 1
current edition 11 / 2023
first edition 12 / 2021
language Italian/English
size 16x24cm
pages 256
print color
binding paperback
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the author
Florencia Andreola PhD in History of Architecture, she is an independent researcher in various disciplines that hybridise research on architecture and the city. She is co-curator of the research project Sex & the City (Urban Center Milano). She edited Disagiotopia. Malessere, pr...

Florencia Andreola PhD in History of Architecture, she is an independent researcher in various disciplines that hybridise research on architecture and the city. She is co-curator of the research project Sex & the City (Urban Center Milano). She edited Disagiotopia. Malessere, precarietà ed esclusione nell’era del tardo capitalismo (DEditore, 2020) and co-curated Milano. L’architettura dal 1945 a oggi (Hoepli, 2018), Backstage. L’architettura come lavoro concreto (Franco Angeli, 2016) and Guida all’architettura di Milano 1945-2015 (Hoepli, 2015). She published essays and reviews in various journals.


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Azzurra Muzzonigro PhD in Urban Studies, she is a curator and independent urban researcher. She is co-curator of the research project Sex & the City (Urban Center Milano). Between 2014 and 2019 she taught Urban Design at the Politecnico di Milano. Between 2013 and 2017 she coord...

Azzurra Muzzonigro PhD in Urban Studies, she is a curator and independent urban researcher. She is co-curator of the research project Sex & the City (Urban Center Milano). Between 2014 and 2019 she taught Urban Design at the Politecnico di Milano. Between 2013 and 2017 she coordinated urban research and curatorial projects at Stefano Boeri Architetti. In June 2015 she founded Waiting Posthuman Studio, a multidisciplinary research platform across art, architecture, urban planning and philosophy. She is co-author of Costruire Futuri. Migrazioni, città, immaginazioni (Bompiani, 2018).


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«Il paesaggio urbano non tiene in conto l'universo femminile». Atlante di genere: la ricerca sugli spazi urbani di Florencia Andreola e Azzurra Muzzonigro

by the same author

from the same book series