Per formazione e per deformazione professionale sono solo capace di pensare come un architetto. Per questo motivo disegno a mano libera. Lo faccio per intercettare quelle immagini di pensiero che non sono ancora diventate ostaggio della ossessione corrente per il presente e il futuro. Ovvero quelle ossessioni imposte dalla tecnologia digitale che vogliono cancellare il fatto che, se vogliamo dire le cose come stanno, esiste solo il passato. Esiste solo il passato quando pensiamo, quando sogniamo, quando realizziamo di aver percepito qualcosa attraverso un senso. O, per gente come Marcel Proust, attraverso una Madeleine.

fogli di architettura
il tempo estetico di Roma
isbn 9788862426312
book series Alleli | Research
number 116
current edition 3 / 2022
first edition 3 / 2022
language Italian
size 16,5x24cm
pages 128
print color
binding paperback
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the author
conrad-bercah is the founding director of c-b-a (, an architectural design office that has developed a variety of projects in Europe for public and private clients. His professional activity merges with the complementary activities of drawing and writing. Berlin Fragment...

conrad-bercah is the founding director of c-b-a (, an architectural design office that has developed a variety of projects in Europe for public and private clients. His professional activity merges with the complementary activities of drawing and writing. Berlin Fragments. (2019), Berlin Transfert. (2021) and Berlin Stimmung (2022) form a Berlin aesthetic trilogy on architecture and city. Other texts include bercahaus (2020), that documents the construction process of a multi level timber residential building in Berlin; Modernism. An American wake (2002) and Fogli di Architettura (2022) which provide aesthetic atlases of ideas revealed by a series of drawings investigating the mysterious relations between time and architectural form. His drawings have been exhibited in Florence (Palazzo Vecchio), Rome (casa dell’architettura, Galleria Embrice) and Milan (Spazio Arena). The architectural drawing series called the Anticity that is coming (2020) won the 2021 competition ‘La città come cultura’ held by the Triennale di Milano and the Maxxi museum in Rome.


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Il Foglio Quotidiano // 9 novembre 2021

by the same author

from the same book series