Partendo dal doppio significato che il verbo riparare ha in italiano, aggiustare e proteggere, si mettono a confronto l’architettura, che da sempre ha il compito di offrire un rifugio e che oggi si propone di riaggiustare preesistenze e tessuti urbani, e la psichiatria, che nella sua storia ha preteso di riparare la mente del folle, proteggendo lui, e al tempo stesso la società, attraverso l’internamento.

Il confronto tra architettura e psichiatria è utile se si progetta il riuso di un ex manicomio, ma diventa indispensabile se il manicomio in questione è quello in cui, nel 1961, nasce la battaglia per i diritti delle persone con disturbi mentali che metterà al bando con la legge Basaglia del 1978 una tipologia architettonica – quella dell’ospedale psichiatrico – divenuta simbolo della negazione di quei diritti.

La storia di questo ospedale, ora parco Basaglia, marginale per antonomasia – uno dei suoi bordi coincide con il confine di Stato – e al tempo stesso al centro di travagliati incroci di culture, identità e lingue, ne fa un luogo emblematico per il contemporaneo.
In questa complessità è stato proposto alla riflessione di più saperi e di diverse pratiche progettuali.

editors Giuseppina Scavuzzo, Sergio Pratali Maffei, Gianfranco Guaragna
Riparare l’umano
Lezioni da un manicomio di frontiera
isbn 9788862423977
book series Alleli | Research
number 45
current edition 11 / 2019
first edition 11 / 2019
language Italian
size 16,5x24cm
pages 144
print color
binding paperback
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Giuseppina Scavuzzo, architect, PhD in Architectural Composition at Iuav University, is an associate professor in Architectural Design, at the University of Trieste’s Department of Engineering and Architecture, where she teaches architectural design and interior architecture a...

Giuseppina Scavuzzo, architect, PhD in Architectural Composition at Iuav University, is an associate professor in Architectural Design, at the University of Trieste’s Department of Engineering and Architecture, where she teaches architectural design and interior architecture and is a member of the college of professors for the inter-university PhD programme of Engineering and Architecture with the University of Udine. Various examples of her research on the symbolic and narrative dimension of architecture are published in national and international magazines and books. For some years she has been studying the theme of total institutions, particularly the aspect of the relationship between rights and their location within architecturally defined forms and spatial limits.


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Sergio Pratali Maffei, architect, PhD in Conservation of Architectural Heritage (Polytechnic of Milan, Gubbio Award 1993), post-doctorate degree at the Iuav University of Venice where he was a researcher, is an associate professor of Restoration at the University of Trieste. Author ...

Sergio Pratali Maffei, architect, PhD in Conservation of Architectural Heritage (Polytechnic of Milan, Gubbio Award 1993), post-doctorate degree at the Iuav University of Venice where he was a researcher, is an associate professor of Restoration at the University of Trieste. Author of over 200 publications, he has taught at various international universities, has designed and directed important restoration interventions, including the reconstruction of La Fenice theatre in Venice and the enhancement of the Temple of Augustus in Ankara, has coordinated various research projects and collaborated on international cooperation projects in the Balkans, Asia Minor and Latin America.


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Gianfranco Guaragna, architect, PhD in Architectural Composition at the Iuav University of Venice. He was an adjunct professor first at Iuav and then at the Faculty of Architecture in Trieste, where he ran courses on Architectural Design, Preparation, Distributional Characteristics ...

Gianfranco Guaragna, architect, PhD in Architectural Composition at the Iuav University of Venice. He was an adjunct professor first at Iuav and then at the Faculty of Architecture in Trieste, where he ran courses on Architectural Design, Preparation, Distributional Characteristics of Buildings, Interior Architecture, and Furniture Design for Cruise Ships and Yachts. He is currently a researcher in Architectural and Urban Composition at the University of Trieste’s Department of Engineering and Architecture, and is the head of the Architectural Composition 1 course for the Degree in Architecture. He recently published Ernesto Nathan Rogers (Il Prato, 2017), and Aldo Rossi. Ora questo è perduto (Il Prato, 2017).


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