L’educazione al patrimonio culturale e al paesaggio è nodale per formare i giovani a una cittadinanza attiva e responsabile, alla tutela dei beni comuni, a stili di vita sostenibili, all’apprezzamento della diversità culturale e del dialogo intergenerazionale. Non può dunque limitarsi a episodi sporadici e a beni e contesti di eccellenza, ma deve essere transdisciplinare, inclusiva e praticabile in ogni luogo.

Questo libro racconta il progetto di ricerca e azione “Scuola Attiva Risorse (ScAR)”, vincitore del Polisocial Award che premia la ricerca a fini sociali del Politecnico di Milano. Il testo descrive un’azione sperimentale e innovativa condotta all’interno di un contesto fragile come quello delle periferie urbane, un processo partecipativo che ha coinvolto scuole, università, istituzioni culturali, amministrazioni e attori privati nell’interpretazione e nella valorizzazione dei patrimoni culturali “nascosti” nei quartieri di margine di Milano.

Camilla Casonato, Marco Vedoà, Gloria Cossa
Scoprire il paesaggio del quotidiano
Un progetto di educazione al patrimonio culturale nella periferia urbana
isbn 9788862424820
book series Alleli | Research
number 94
current edition 10 / 2021
first edition 10 / 2021
language Italian
size 16,5x24cm
pages 236
print color
binding paperback
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the author
Camilla Casonato is associate professor of Fundamentals and techniques of architectural representation at Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies). Former secondary school teacher, she earned a PhD in Preservation of Architectural Heritage. Her resea...

Camilla Casonato is associate professor of Fundamentals and techniques of architectural representation at Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies). Former secondary school teacher, she earned a PhD in Preservation of Architectural Heritage. Her research interests focus on landscape education, the theory and history of drawing, and the enhancement of cultural heritage through participatory practices and innovative technologies. In the role of project manager, she coordinated the Scuola Attiva Risorse research-action.

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Marco Vedoà is PhD candidate in urban planning, design and policy at Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies). He is passionate about traditional and digital cartographies and participates the debate on the relationship between active citizens...

Marco Vedoà is PhD candidate in urban planning, design and policy at Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies). He is passionate about traditional and digital cartographies and participates the debate on the relationship between active citizenship and heritage. He also participated in several projects to develop digital systems for the enhancement and communication of cultural landscapes. He collaborated on the Scuola Attiva Risorse project as a research fellow, experimenting with the potential of ICTs for participatory landscape representation.


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Gloria Cossa graduated in architecture at Politecnico di Milano where she is teaching assistant in Architectural Representation courses. She works in an interior architecture firm in Milan and in developing graphic design and illustration for research on sustainabil...

Gloria Cossa graduated in architecture at Politecnico di Milano where she is teaching assistant in Architectural Representation courses. She works in an interior architecture firm in Milan and in developing graphic design and illustration for research on sustainability and circular economy themes. Interested in participatory processes for cultural landscape enhancement, she collaborated with Scuola Attiva Risorse in the co-designing processes and leading educational projects.


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