Inventing schools. A school as big as the World is a testing platform dedicated to the theme of public schools. Participation in workshops and degree theses creates a common ground for discussion between public administration, students, tutors and teachers to explore scenarios of innovation and modification for the delicate system of educational spaces. The program’s purpose is to encourage dialogue between the School Building Department of the Municipality of Milan and the AUIC School-Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering of the Politecnico di Milano, offering teachers who deal with the topic the opportunity to work coordinated on agreed case studies.

The replacement of existing buildings, the regeneration and updating of school complexes, and the integration of neighborhood public spaces through urban circuits open to relationships with parks and green systems characterize the design action of “Inventing schools”. The working methods are those typical of research in architecture, in which drawings, sketches, models, and formal suggestions are interwoven with technical verifications and multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological contributions, feeding off each other.

editors Barbara Coppetti, Elvio Manganaro
Inventing Schools
Una scuola grande come il mondo

Available in ebook version

isbn 9788862428125
book series Alleli | Research
number 140
current edition 2 / 2023
first edition 2 / 2023
language Italian/English
size 14,8x21cm
pages 252
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Barbara Coppetti is an Associate Professor in Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Polytechnic of Milan. She teaches Architectural Design Studio in the Master in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design. She develops her study...

Barbara Coppetti is an Associate Professor in Architecture and Urban Design at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies of the Polytechnic of Milan. She teaches Architectural Design Studio in the Master in Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design. She develops her study on the project of open spaces in public buildings with specific attention to educational areas. She is scientifically responsible for the research titled “A shared school for a culture of Happiness”.

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Elvio Manganaro è ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni, ambiente costruito del Politecnico di Milano. Nel 2009 consegue il Dottorato di ricerca in Composizione architettonica presso il Politecnico di Milano. I principali ambiti di r...

Elvio Manganaro è ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Architettura, ingegneria delle costruzioni, ambiente costruito del Politecnico di Milano. Nel 2009 consegue il Dottorato di ricerca in Composizione architettonica presso il Politecnico di Milano. I principali ambiti di ricerca riguardano la composizione, indagata sia nelle strutture teoriche e procedurali, sia nelle tradizioni di insegnamento, con particolare attenzione alla geografia italiana delle scuole di architettura.

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